Torta al cioccolato: il migliore a Ponte dell'Olio

(classifica aggiornata al 20/08/2023)
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Scopri la cucina di Ponte dell'Olio
1 risultati corrispondono a Torta al cioccolato

Dove mangiare Torta al cioccolato a Ponte dell'Olio

1. L'Artista
78/100 (157 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 9 persone Prenota un tavolo
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Crostata Alla Marmellata Di Zucca , Meringa Alla Liquirizia , Ragu' Di Cinghiale , Rane Fritte , Semifreddo Al Cioccolato Rhum E Cannella
Dicono di noi: The view and the route to arrive are breathe taking and they worth the trip. The food is very good, home and hand made. In the kitchen there is the artist! She used to cook for friends and 11 years ago she turned her cooking skill from the house to the public. Specialties are any kind of meat, but also pasta and other local dishes are delicious yet not refined (that's the plus!). The husband serves at the table, he's very friendly and it's a pleasure to listen to him and his stories and jokes. Don't expect nothing fancy, but only a genuine experience in the wonderful context of the Monte Santo
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