Fingers: il migliore a Bologna

(classifica aggiornata al 11/09/2023)
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1 risultati corrispondono a Fingers

Dove mangiare Fingers a Bologna

1. The Scrub Caffetteria
67/100 (106 valutazioni)
Orario di oggi: 06:30–19
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Frozen Frappe , Chocolate , Cappuccino , Cornetto Pistacchio
Dicono di noi: The proprietress spoke no English and neither my wife nor I speak Italian, but as our apartment was nearby and we stopped by often, we got to learn of each other's lives. One morning I pointed to my wedding ring and gestured 30 and she left and returned with a picture of her husband from within the shop. She held up her fingers to show how many years they were married and said "morto" which even we understood. Now, the cappuccino and espresso were good, as was the mortadella we were in Bologna after all! We seem to have really good experiences in the smaller shops -- and a smile and a butchered "buongiorno" or "buona sera" and "grazie" go a long way. July of 2019
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